I can't help but laugh when I think back to when Brady and I first got married and our "5 year" plan. Now, three years later, we land, in England, on our anniversary. This was definitely not in the plan, but neither was just about anything else that has happened within the last three years so this is the perfect adventure to fit in to our new plan--no plan at all:)!
This is how we started our day...Brady was not excited that we had four suitcases, a baby, a stroller and a diaper bag to get from place to place, but he still had a smile on his face!
I'm not going to lie, we got a lot of looks at the airport as if to say..."are you moving or something?"...I wanted to wear a sign that read, "yes, actually we are."
Parker's mood started out on the wrong side of the bed and we were not looking forward to our long travels ahead, but he cheered right up when we got on the plane! In fact, he didn't want to get off!
I bought a
CARES system to use on the plane. This was a lifesaver!! Parker is technically still old enough to be a lap child on domestic flights, but since we were flying internationally, we had to get his own seat, and he had to have a carseat on board. Well, a friend recommended this super easy alternative. It is the only aviation harness approved by the FAA and it definitely saved us from having to lug a carseat around!
Once we landed in Houston we had a planned 5 hour layover (7 hour actual). This sounds crazy, but we wanted the overnight flight to be as close to P's bedtime as possible, and we wanted to give him a chance to walk around before getting back on a plane. Because I am crazy (so says Brady), I decided to buy a harness (aka P's backpack) so that I wouldn't be worried about anyone snatching Parker. I know this sounds silly, but I felt more secure letting him walk around knowing that he was still attached to me (I feel like using the word "attached" is setting Parker up for future mommy issues, but I don't know how else to put it!) Brady literally would not even hold on to it, but had no problem taking a picture of how ridiculous we looked!

After getting delayed for two hours and listening to Parker cry, "Parker want to get on pairplane" (yes, the extra p is on purpose:), he was starting to get a little restless and tired. That is when he decided to start laying/rolling on the ground. Yep, that is my kid. I feel like I need to show you in sequence...
Luckily, this is about when they finally started the boarding process, yahoo!! Parker didn't sleep right away, but he was definitely comfortable!
Parker liked just looking out the windows and watching the movies so much that he only played with a couple of the many activities I brought...lesson learned. Thank goodness for fully reclining seats, it made sleeping so much easier...even if I did have to put P's seat back before he was ready...
All in all, we had a great trip! We are exhausted, but Parker only woke up once last night between 7 and 7 (Norwich time) so hopefully he adjusts to the time difference quickly!!