I think I am confused. Lately, everyone has commented on how lucky I am that I don't have morning sickness, and in addition to my luck, that I am probably having a boy.
Okay, now, I am not saying that I would be disappointed if I have boy, but you have to know what I am up against. My husband is one of two boys, his dad is one of five. It is not only on his side either, my dad is one of three boys. I am at the point where I feel that if my first child is not a girl, I don't stand a chance. Not that all boys would be bad, I would be very happy, but come on...every mother wants a little girl just as badly as every father wants a little boy. I am actually really exciting about the thought of having a little boy who looks like my husband running around someday.
Determined not to let this old wives tale spell out my fate before I hit my second trimester, I turned to google. I love google; you can find answers to almost anything! Upon looking, I found many definitions of morning sickness, and all of them said you do not have to be physically ill to experience it...YES!!! This sounds ridiculous, but knowing that my twisted stomach and dizzy spells constitute morning sickness, I was ecstatic!! I could still have a girl! Yay!
The more I thought about it, the more I realized I probably should have just looked up whether there was a connection to morning sickness and girls. I did, and there's not. So, to all of you mothers out there turning to your stomach every morning for the answer to your child's gender, rejoice! It doesn't matter!! For now, it is still a surprise!
Dirty Martini Smashed Potatoes
2 days ago