I changed my font at thecutestblogontheblock.com

About Me

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I am 27 years old and am blessed to have my husband Brady, as my partner and best friend. We have two children, Parker and Piper, our little yorkie. We are constantly amazed by the joy they bring into our lives and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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Monday, May 24, 2010

Lessons I've learned so far...

A year ago, I was ending one job to begin another...I was also almost six months pregnant. At the time, people thought I was crazy for starting a new job mid-pregnancy. I kind of was, but it was the best decision I could have made for both me and my family. It was at this time that I made an assumption about a lesson I thought would come in the future...if you are happy at work, you will be happier at home. This lesson is true. I learned a few other lessons while pregnant (ex. If you put your hand on your belly while you are trying to get something you want, you will inevitably get it:), but I have learned even more lessons now that I am a mom. These are in no particular order.

1. Hearing your child giggle can always make a bad mood better...always.
2. You will never love your husband more than when he is trying to get your son to say "mommy"
3. Your house will never again be quite as clean as you would like...ever...
4. You hope that saying that a dog's mouth is cleaner than yours is true when you catch the puppy french kissing her new little brother.
5. Sometimes parking away from the door, but close to a cart rack is worth the extra walk.
6. If you wear black, be prepared to get a white, spit-up stain on it.
7. If you wear white, be prepared to get a stain, any stain.
8. Your mom was right...doesn't really matter what you are talking about, she probably was.
9. It is ok to think that your baby is the cutest.
10.You know what is best for you and your baby. Whether it is how long to breastfeed or when to start solids, you will figure it out.
11. You hear about blow-outs and think it won't happen to you...it will.
12. You will always have a blow-out when you forget to pack a change of clothes.
13. In church, the baby will always start talking when it is time for the sermon.

These are definitely not all, but they are some of my favorites! Motherhood is the most amazing experience!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Just add mom to the list...

I am a mom now; that is my number one priority. However, I am still Sam...the person who loves to be busy and wants to be involved and feels better when she has her hand in at least a couple of projects. Right now, I am struggling with trying to be both. Last night I went to my first Junior League meeting, and I am really excited to join, but the second it went over the time I had allotted for it in my head, I almost had a panic attack. I couldn't stop thinking about Parker and how I was going to miss feeding him before he went to bed. I felt terrible because my friend drove and had to leave right away after so that I could get home. I just don't want to miss anything or any time with Parker, but I also want to be more than just mom.

I have always known that when I had kids I wanted them to feel like the most important part of my life, but that I also wanted to continue to be involved in various activities. Not only to set an example, but also to show them that I am a whole person. I had no idea how hard this was going to be. This week I have a meeting every night and have gone into a bit of a panic mode every time someone mentions any extra time that cuts into Parker time. I don't know how to balance this. It probably doesn't help that I have been to DC for three days every two weeks for the last month and a half and will continue until the end of May. I just don't want to miss anything and am learning that is not always possible. Everyone says it will get better and I know it will, but I just hope that starts soon!