I can't believe I am watching my precious little girl sleep right now. One week ago, we were preparing our bags and ourselves to meet our newest family member. I was one week overdue and still hoping that I would miraculously go into labor overnight so that I wouldn't have to have a c-section...that didn't happen. Brady and I were literally up all night because we were so anxious and left for the hospital at 4:30 AM to make our 5AM check-in time...two and a half hours later we were waiting in the operating room.
At 7:51, Brady watched the doctor pull the baby out (I still can't believe he was able to watch), and he was the one to look at me and say, 'it's a girl!' I think we were both in shock...I had convinced myself it was a boy (both of our moms and Parker were convinced it was a boy and I figured their intuition on these things was probably pretty accurate:). I remember looking at Brady and saying, 'really?!?' I was so, so happy...I couldn't stop crying. She was perfect...8 pounds, 1 ounce, 20 inches long.
We knew immediately that her name was Rowan. We have had the name Rowan chosen since almost the first month we found out I was pregnant...it just seemed to fit. She is also named after my great-grandmother Millie Wright. I can't think of a better person for her to look up to.
Surgery lasted around an hour and a half and then Brady was finally able to go tell my parents that 'the baby' was here. We wanted Parker to be the first one to know she was a girl, and he couldn't come in for another hour...I'm pretty sure they wanted to kill us for making them wait that long. After our one-hour, no-visitors period was up, Parker came.
When Parker came in the room, he was pretty surprised that it was a girl...thank goodness that he seemed to get over it! It probably helped that we had presents ready...Rowan gave him his present (a tractor and a plow), we gave him a present (books and a little combine). I was so happy that he wanted to hold her and was so sweet with her.
Finally, it was time to tell the grandparents...Brady's mom, and my mom and dad were in the waiting room when P came out to tell them. He said, 'it's a boy!' They were all so excited until Brady said, 'wait a minute, what is it Parker?' Parker, in his best exasperated voice...'it's a girl'...our parents were so confused. Luckily, they were finally able to come in and see for themselves...we are so blessed they were able to be there.
Rowan is the perfect addition to our family...we are so, so blesssed!
going into surgery |
SHE'S here! |
Dr. Kauffman |
Proud, proud papa:) |
my loves all together for the first time:) |
so, so happy! |