Right now Rowan wants to live at home forever, never get married and go wherever I go...
Right now I am completely fine with that scenario...
Right now parker wants to play with his friends every.single.day. after school...
Right now Parker also feels like he doesn't get enough time with me...the struggle is real...
Right now I feel like I am constantly on Parker to "do things right the first time..."
Right now Rowan gets super proud when she isn't 'shy' around other people...yet she bosses everyone in our house around and has a way of timing tantrums so that we inadvertently give her whatever she wants...
Right now Parker is constantly dribbling a basketball and has recently started teaching Row..."pocket, window, shot..."
Right now Rowan is playing basketball and can finally make a basket!
Right now Parker is between little boy and big kid and that is hard...
Right now we are still trying to decide whether to send Rowan to kindergarten or hold her for a year...I'm fairly positive I am the one struggling more...
Right now I am realizing that Rowan has as big of a personality as Parker...she constantly clicks her lips after making a point and sounds like a teenager when she talks...we are in so much trouble...
Dirty Martini Smashed Potatoes
2 days ago