Today I realized that I blog soooo infrequently that there may be things going on in our lives that I have not mentioned...I wouldn't be concerned if I blogged for others, but in reality I blog for my here's to catching up!
Did I mention that we spent half of 2015 renovating our kitchen in Valley Center? Did I mention that right after we were finished Brady decided to take a new job in Garnett? Did I mention that we then spent three weeks renovating our bathrooms so that we could put our home on the market...luckily, it sold in a day and we spent a few months living with my parents while Brady lived in KC with his was hard, but we made it through.
Did I mention that we moved to Spring Hill (south of Kansas City)? We moved into our new home six days before Christmas (and then hosted Christmas). We are loving it, but I am still struggling to put the first nail holes in my pretty, smooth walls:). Update...I have since hung shelves in the kids' rooms and a deer head in the living room (random, yes).
Did I mention that Parker had to switch from all-day to half-day kindergarten? We struggled to fill our afternoons so that we both do not go crazy, but I love, love, loved spending more time with him. I cannot believe that he will be in first grade in just under seven weeks.
Did I mention that Rowan started 'school'? Well not school exactly, but kids day out. She LOVES it. It is only one day a week but because she only has five kids in her class, she already feels like a part of the group. She will go to the same church for preschool two days a week in the fall.
Did I mention that Parker played basketball again? The smile on his face while he is playing is infectious. He dribbles for hours at a time at home.
Did I mention that he also played soccer and baseball too? I love watching him play sports...he studies the pros and then imitates everything he sees...from their stance to their uniforms...I had to convince him not to wear Row's necklace to the game, because 'all baseball players wear necklaces!'
Did I mention that Rowan hates when I wear a sweatshirt or sweater and will, no kidding, scream at me to take it off. She is also super into my clothes and shoes right now. She loves playing in my heels (at least someone wears them:), and is always putting on my shirts as dresses. She absolutely LOVES when I wear a dress. She also loves jewelry and purses. She always has a purse on her shoulder with her 'wallet' and 'makeup'. I just love watching her walk around like she is sooo big.
Did I mention that Rowan is OBSESSED with frozen? Everything from nightgowns to least I know I can bribe her, right? This has actually diminished a bit, but she loves anything princess.
Did I mention that Row's favorite phrases are 'I'm fine,' and 'sure'?
Did I mention that Parker can somehow make Rowan cry and laugh all within the same 60 heart explodes watching them.
Sheet Pan Cabbage Burgers
4 days ago
Thanks for the post. I love to read about your family!!!
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