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About Me

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I am 27 years old and am blessed to have my husband Brady, as my partner and best friend. We have two children, Parker and Piper, our little yorkie. We are constantly amazed by the joy they bring into our lives and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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Wednesday, August 15, 2012


today I watched P 'chase' my parents with his animals while my parents ran around their house with the iPad...I love technology...:)

today was the second out of four that Brady will be in Geneva...I hate when he's gone...

today I snuck a brownie while walking in the city centre...and got caught...by Parker...I think I have a problem...

today I just sat and listened to little man play...I love that he loves books and stories so much and acts out everything with his toys...

today Parker put on his shirt by himself and when it got stuck on his head (again) he said, "hmmm, I sure do have a big head!"  Poor kid.

today I took P swimming for the first time in a long time (I really hate the changing room...I'm a baby, I know), and he finally walked away from the steps on his own (he has been able to touch for a while).  This sounds silly, but P is terrified in the pool unless you are holding on to him (super tight) or he is sitting on the steps, so this was a HUGE deal.

today I realized that the season pass I bought to the Dinosaur Park was a fantastic idea...until I failed my driving test...if only we could get there...shoot...

today I almost drove anyway when Parker asked to go to the zoo...what can I say, Brady left the car here and the temptation grows every day...

today I deleted facebook from my phone...hopefully I'll check my phone less often...

today I realized that I think I am avoiding planning P's birthday because it is so hard to think of celebrating without our friends and family...I've decided I need to get over it:)

today I was once again reminded of just how blessed we are...so, so blessed...


VL - victoriaINkansas said...

let us know if you need any party help to get you in the mood :-)

tessa j. morrow-konen said...

you are such an awesome gal. Parker and his little quotes are the most adorable thing ever. love him. and you!

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