They are just growing up too are some of the latest...
- Row started calling Parker, 'Parker'...for the longest time she said 'karker'...even though she could say 'park', she still said 'karker' out of habit...the day that changed was kind of a big deal.
- Parker started piano lessons...he enjoys the lessons, but getting him to practice is sometimes a struggle...we have told him that he has to play piano first in order to learn guitar so that is his motivation right now, ha!
- Row has started trying on every piece of clothing in her closet when she is supposed to be going to sleep...she loves picking out her own clothes...
- Row cut her looks very much like a mullet...thank goodness for her cute face...
- Parker is playing basketball and Brady is coaching...we are working on passing...sometimes a struggle...
- Row has started defending Parker when he gets into trouble, "mommy, don't say that to my brother!" Uh oh...
- Rowan and I have 'girl talk' when she lies down for rest time or bed time..."mommy, let's have 'girl talk'"...the tone she uses just kills me...
- Whenever I call Row my 'sweet baby' she calls me her 'sweet mommy'...melts my heart...
I feel like I am forgetting things...I'm so afraid of forgetting...time slow down...