Can we really be ready for this? Surely not...but, Parker is 18 months...oh no, I'm not ready for this. I haven't read enough, and I have no idea what I am doing!! Is it really time to potty train already?!? Parker has been very interested in "poddy" for a couple of weeks now. He plays with his diaper when he is going and now says, "I poddy" when he has gone. We progressed on Thursday in the car. Here is what our conversation looked like... Parker says, "I poddy, I poddy" SoI say, "do you have to potty?" Parker says, "yes." I say, "well, just go in your diaper." Parker says, "I pee, I pee...I done...bye bye." This conversation caused me to get out his little potty chair and set it in the bathroom. On Friday, he said, "I poddy" so I asked him if he wanted to go on his little chair and he said yes, I sat him on the chair. One problem...little willie (yes, this is what we have named him) is sticking out over the splash guard and I don't know how to pop it in. (Seriously, he is going to have issues). So we give up on this chair and I put a diaper on him. Saturday, we were at a hotel and again he said he had to go and I asked him if he wanted to sit on the big chair, he said yes! So, I sit him on the chair and...he potties!!!! Yay!! I ended the story there because seriously, now what? I am completely out of my element and I don't know if I should just go hard core and try to teach him or to just ease into it. My other dilemma is that we move to England in less than two months. I kind of feel like I should either do it now or wait entirely until we move. This lead me to a search for the 3-day method. In this method, you let your child run around without pants for three days. Ok, I can do this, we have wood floors so the mess won't be terrible. Now, I was thinking that I would be done after three days. Oh no, you then have to try to stay close to home for THREE MONTHS while you continue to let them run around without pants. If you do leave the house, you are supposed to put them in loose-fitting pants and buy a cover for your car seat in case of accidents...AHHHH! Holy cow, this is crazy. I know, I know, potty-training your child in three days was a bold thought, but a girl can dream. I am still searching for an answer to my question. Until then, I guess I will just let P-Man "poddy" in the big boy chair anytime he wants!
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