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About Me

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I am 27 years old and am blessed to have my husband Brady, as my partner and best friend. We have two children, Parker and Piper, our little yorkie. We are constantly amazed by the joy they bring into our lives and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Do mommies get sick days?

I feel like crap. Headache, body ache, earache, sore throat, runny nose....you get the picture. I can't seem to kick this cold and now that I have Parker, there is no time to be sick. Work has been super busy too, so it is just bad timing. I guess I never thought about what my mom did when she was sick; silly me just assumed moms didn't get sick, ha! Before, I would make it through the day and go to bed early when I got home. Not so much now. Now, I have to pick up Parker, let Piper out, make dinner, change Parker, feed Parker, eat, bathe Parker, feed Parker, get everything ready for tomorrow, sleep. Sprinkled in there is a little cleaning and reading for the Koch program. Normally, Brady is a giant help with everything, but this week he has been working until 9 or 9:30 so he doesn't get home in time to help with a whole lot. Not to mention, he is exhausted--that makes two of us. So, I guess I will just keep taking my tylenol AM to get through the day (too afraid to take the PM at night, what if I don't hear him cry!) and hope for the best tomorrow!


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