Anyway, this means that I have been walking around town...with a sleeping boy...a lot. Oh, this also means that I am back off the wagon...the Costa wagon. Costa is basically the Starbucks here (we have Starbucks too), and I am addicted...when you have to walk everywhere and pass at least two (if not three or four) Costas (not including any other coffee shops), it is hard to resist. I had been down to only one or two per week (I don't have a coffee maker at home), but this week, well, lets just say I'm on a bit of a caffeine high.
Sorry, I'm are some of the other highlights of the week...
P discovered Youtube...after we showed him how to find 'I'm a farmer and I grow it' on my phone he realized the endless possibilities of Youtube...I caught him watching Mickey Mouse in a different language yesterday...and laughing.
I took P to the doctor and he screamed...through the whole visit...he even laid on the floor and cried when his name was called to go back...we were both exhausted when we left. Oh, and lets just say that I will probably get on my soapbox and tell you how I feel about Universal Healthcare at some point in the future...get excited...
Parker loves to go to Boots (our version of CVS...sort of) and look at this bubble bath shaped like Lightning McQueen...Monday, Brady took me to work out (because I can't drive and it was raining) and when I came back he had bought P the car...Daddy's such a softie:) Parker took it everywhere the next day...yep, still full of bubble bath.
I am really trying to be thankful for the rain here because I know how badly we need it back home...trying is the key word...
Parker had his last day of toddler group until the was a teddy bear picnic and we took dino...I have no pictures of P and dino because Parker was more concerned about his 'serious' car.
Parker broke the 'mittens' out again this week...aka socks on his hands...
I had to explain to P that our passports are not toys...he thinks his picture is hilarious.
I finally got little man to wear his 'cool uncle landon shoes' again...he has been wearing his disgusting old converse everywhere...
Oh, and we bought and put together a dinosaur model. 'We' is probably a bit strong...I think I had more fun than Parker...
So far it has been a great week...bring on Thursday!
how in the world do you live without a coffee maker!? P is so darn cute. I so wish we could do playdates :(
He's so handsome! I love him in that blazer. :)
I feel as if Parker is going to cure cancer or something someday. He's just so creative and smart!!!! (Yes, I can tell all this just from pics and stories from his mama.) :)
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