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About Me

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I am 27 years old and am blessed to have my husband Brady, as my partner and best friend. We have two children, Parker and Piper, our little yorkie. We are constantly amazed by the joy they bring into our lives and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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Friday, April 12, 2013

Don't mind the mess...

...it is just our junk...seriously, there is something about moving to make you realize how much crap you have. Each time I have tried to throw/give away as much as possible, yet we still end up with those few boxes full of things I know we don't need and will never use again.

Warning: you are about to see pictures of our move in progress...it is not pretty...oh and because I'm using the app on my phone and can't add captions, I will tell you that the picture with the cowboy hat, wagon and clothes is our air-shipment...it should arrive on my parents' doorstep in around 11 days (sorry mom and dad:)!


Ali Moore said...

Holy moly...it's happening! :)

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