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About Me

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I am 27 years old and am blessed to have my husband Brady, as my partner and best friend. We have two children, Parker and Piper, our little yorkie. We are constantly amazed by the joy they bring into our lives and can't wait to see what tomorrow brings!
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Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I think I can, I think I can...

Yesterday I watched my friend's youngest daughter, Ellie.  I was a little nervous.  Ellie is 9 months younger than Parker and so sweet, but I usually just have Parker.  I was worried that Parker would act out if I had to give more attention to her or that I wouldn't be able to entertain both of them.

I was wrong.  We had a great day...went to the park and the library and I was able to get both of them to nap at the same time.  Don't get me wrong...I'm not clueless.  I know that I'm not going to pop a baby out and he/she and Parker will automatically start playing together and be able to communicate what they want at all times.  However, it did alleviate a little of my fears regarding having another (I wish I could say this was the only one...its really just the tip of the iceberg).

Let's be honest, if Brady and I had stuck to our plans and our timing, we still wouldn't have Parker.  I've been thinking about that a lot lately.  God's timing is so much better than our own.  Parker wouldn't be the same spunky little man he is, if we hadn't been so clueless when he was born.  Because of this, I sometimes wonder if we shouldn't truly let God have all of the control back.  Don't worry, I am not turning into a Dugger, but I am feeling like God wouldn't throw anything at us that we couldn't handle (saying a little prayer to avoid multiples right now...:).  Who are we to judge what is best?

I realize these are a lot of random thoughts, and no, we are not pregnant...just thinking out loud...


Lindsey said...

I've been thinking the same thoughts about letting God have control back and our plan isn't always the best plan. I'm right there with you.

Jamie said...

Oh man! I was reading this and thinking... HOW DID I NOT KNOW SHE WAS PREGNANT?!?!? I feel like a less terrible friend now that I know you aren't.

I think Parker would make a great big bro. :)

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