We had a great trip of Falmouth, but it wasn't without the usual embarrassing occurrences and funny happenings. I realized today that I didn't post these, but wanted to remember them (yes, they are kind of boring, but mostly for me). Here are a few of my favorites...
1. "Daddy!! Stop making that noise!" Brady didn't feel very well when we arrived. He had caught Parker's cold and was super congested. That being said, the first night we were there was noisy (oh man, B is going to kill me for posting this). B was snoring...really, really snoring. I don't think I slept more than an hour or so all night, but it was almost worth it to hear Parker wake up and say..."Daddy!! What is dat noise? Daddy!! Stop it! Stop making dat noise!" hahahahahaha
2. "He's POOOOOOPPPPPING!" I don't know if I've told you, but we have a couple of other invisible friends now. One is Monkey. Usually monkey just plays hide and seek with Parker and we have to hide under the covers when "he's coming." Well, at breakfast (where B's coworkers were also eating), Parker tells me that Monkey is with us. I ask him what he is doing and he tells me that "Monkey is pooping." Now, of course the only logical response is to tell P to tell him to stop and tell him that he needs to go to the bathroom. Well, for some reason that pushes P to YELL at the top of his lungs..."Mom, he's POOOPPING!!!" I was sooooo embarrassed!!
3. Pluggy Problems. When P turned one, we started only letting him have the plug at bed time so I have been telling myself that our problem is not that big...wrong. Right before bed on the second night we were there, I could not find Parker's pluggy. I told him he had to sleep without it and he said ok, however, he was awake for TWO hours singing every verse of Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Baa Baa Black Sheep with a little Amazing Grace here and there. Every couple of verses he would stop and cry out at the top of his lungs..."I want my pluggy!!!" It didn't end there...after finally getting him to sleep, he woke up at least every two hours wanting the plug. I really had no idea how big of a problem this actually is. We are in for a battle.
4. Dog Fight. Parker has been talking a lot about Piper lately. Every time he sees a dog he says, "that's a puppy...like Piper (sniffle)...I miss Piper." It is seriously heartbreaking. During our trip he found a way to cope...he brought Piper with us. Every once in a while he would pretend he was carrying something and say, "I have Piper." Once he was "carrying" something in both arms and told me that he had Millie (my mom's dog) and Piper. Apparently, when they are pretend, they actually get along, ha.
Dirty Martini Smashed Potatoes
2 days ago
Thanks for the comedic relief! Those imaginary friends are a stitch. Now where's Kiki?
Parker is so adorable! I want to meet him so bad. :)
P is such a hoot! And, I have no idea how you are living without Piper - I can't imagine life without Hadley. Those Yorkies are lovable little creatures :)
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